Part: 1 : Bull angus - bull angus (1971)
Bull Angus - Bull Angus (1971)
EAC | FLAC, IMG+CUE, LOG | 324 Mb | Covers
Hard Rock | 1971 | US | Label: Skyf Zol | : DP 13 | RAR 3% Rec | RS
Bull Angus: S/T is a forgotten masterpiece of brutal well written and executed Hard n Heavy Rock. Similar to a bands like Sir Lord Baltimore and Bloodrock.
Part: 2 : Blue oyster cult - imaginos (1988)
Blue Oyster Cult - Imaginos (1988)
MP3 | 160 Kbps CBR | 70 Mb | RAR | RS
Hard Rock,Heavy Metal
Blue Цyster Cult is an American rock band formed in New York in 1967 and still active in 2009. The group is especially well known for songs including (Dont Fear) The Reaper, Astronomy, Godzilla, Burnin for You and Cities on Flame with Rock and Roll. They have sold over 14 million albums worldwide, including 7 million in the US alone.