Part: 1 : Liberty n justice-light it up-2009-ssr
ARTIST: Liberty N Justice TITLE: Light It Up LABEL: Retroactive Records GENRE: Hard Rock BITRATE: 216kbps avg PLAYTIME: 0h 57min total RELEASE DATE: 2009-00-00 RIP DATE: 2010-01-05 Track List: 1. Light It Up (feat. Phil Lewis 4:33 JK Northrup) 2. Th
Part: 2 : Autograph-thats the stuff-(remastered)-2009-ssr
ARTIST: Autograph TITLE: Thats The Stuff LABEL: Rock Candy Records GENRE: Hard Rock BITRATE: 222kbps avg PLAYTIME: 0h 43min total RELEASE DATE: 2009-12-08 RIP DATE: 2010-01-05 Track List: 1. Thats The Stuff 4:24 2. Take No Prisoners 3:56 3. Blondes